During the time of the Corona Virus Kari spent time imagining the virus
Conceived as a book in three dimensions, the first ‘chapter’ was an imagining of the virus with echoes of the drawings of sea forms by Ernst Heckle. Made from Sea Bream and entomology pins. It is a surprising fact that the method of classification, devised by Heckle is also used to classify viruses. Therefore the next chapter is about classification of the skin from a common Dab – Limanda limanda and the coronavirus. There was then a palimpsest of words on the next sphere all pertaining to the pandemic, and finally a poem stamped on the orbits of the final virus made from Nile perch skin.
Artist Book
Kari is now making an artist book from natural materials, charting swims around the UK. A book, as far as she can tell, about the possibilities of swimming, craft and landscape, Touching on process and techniques, and the emotional response to the landscape/seascape.